According to the evaluation reports over the last five years, Finland’s development cooperation is now more efficient than before. In the evaluations, Finland has received thanks for the work involving persons with disabilities and criticism for not giving enough consideration to climate sustainability in its development cooperation.
Implementation of Finland’s development cooperation is regularly assessed by a large number of different parties.
In 2017, Finland received good marks in the review conducted by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECDDAC). Finland received good marks in the review. It received special thanks for the quick and flexible funding of humanitarian assistance, and for exemplary work to improve the status of the persons with disabilities. Finland was urged to prepare a long-term plan on how to achieve the internationally agreed level of development funding (0.7 per cent of the gross national income).
According to evaluations, Finland does not pay enough attention to the climate sustainability. It is also recommended that Finland should have more cooperation with different financing and cooperation modalities. The evaluations note that the Ministry for Foreign Affairs should further develop its monitoring systems.
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